Other Sites & Previous Work

Some of my previous software and hardware hacks are over at my personal blog https://www.scriven.ca/~scriven/.

I hacked a RePhone DIY Cellphone, made some Waterguns with the kids, and posted about various other projects. That hacking stuff will probably be featured more here and other places in the future, but rest assured I’ll link whenever there’s something noteworthy!

The personal blog I’ll use for, well, more personal stuff I guess. Some of my art and writing and crap.

Math Problem Generator


I wrote this script when my kids were just starting their math practice. It’s pretty basic, and is meant to be printed out, not done on the screen.

It has addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. You can set the number of questions, the range of numbers to choose from, answer limitations like positive or integer only, and can mix and match all 4 operations. It includes an answers page, so checkers don’t have to do the math themselves. 🙂

There is also a Timetables version.

It currently lives on one of the demo sites, but will probably be moved so it’s under here directly.

Re: Twitter

I assume I upset some rando RWNJ Kenney-supporter with some of my last posts a year-ish ago. Since then anyway, Twitter has required me to give them my phone number. As there is no way in hell I am giving that nazi site my actual phone number, nor do I have the $25 for a burner, my @scriven42 twitter is offline until further notice.

Thanks for the follows, keep doing the right thing! #PunchANazi