Can I gutenberg from email?

This is a test! I’m trying to make gutenberg blocks from an email. This is only a test.

Had this been a real message, there would be useful, informative and/or funny content.
All you get is this boring filler.

Hopefully the image above worked, otherwise this paragraph will look very funny.

And now for something completely different…


[Edited to add: No, apparently the plugin is specifically designed to dump everything into a single “classic” div block]


So, I’ve been following Professor Steve Mann for ages, but somehow missed the heyday of the OpenEyeTap project! Professor Mann’s EyeTap is the result of his decades-long experimentation with wearable computing.

There is enough information around that I’m starting to be able to put together a picture of how it all works, and I think I finally grok the core concept, which is awesome! There are two Instructables that are also around, in addition to the forum above, OpenEyeTap – 3D Printed Programmable Smart Glass and Augmented Reality Eyeglass with Thermal Vision: Build your own low-cost Raspberry Pi EyeTap.

Below [hopefully on first attempt], is a 3d printed “Amerac” frame. The amerac is the display, anti-camera, part of the system. The frame also holds the two-way 70T/30R mirror that the display is projecting onto the back of. The front is pointed towards a camera, which is centered on the amerac and equidistant from the mirror, as well as it’s reflection being centered on in the mirror onto your eye when looking straight ahead.

OpenEyeTap Amerac 3D Printed Frame
OpenEyeTap Amerac 3D Printed Frame

This means that the camera and display are both in the same plane and also line up, so when the display sends it’s modified image to the back of the mirror, that will perfectly overlap what you see with the display changes over top.

I haven’t figured out a way to cut the mirrors yet, other than painfully by hand. The sizes lend themselves to sample sizes from various vendors, which is a handy coincidence. I also haven’t figured out a way to buy one of the displays from TaoBao yet, which is rather frustrating!

I’ve also slowly picked up another little toy that I was thinking about. We have a nice silver PLA in the Prusa I3Mk3SMMU2S which triggered me to it for some reason…. for now I’ll just leave this teaser:
